A crate to generate LaTeX files in Rust
Work in progress
Link to the repository: tex-rs
// Defining the output file
let mut f = new_latex_file("output.tex");
// Adding a title to the document
f.title("Example of use of tex-rs");
// Adding an author
// Begin the core of the document
// Writing an abstract
let mut abstract_bloc = Core::bloc("abstract");
abstract_bloc.add(Core::text("This document is an example of use of Tex-rs"));
abstract_bloc.write_latex(&mut f);
// Creating a new section
let mut sec = Core::section("Examples");
// Creating an itemize bloc
let mut itemize = Core::bloc("itemize");
let countries = vec!["France", "UK", "Germany", "Italy"];
sec.add(Core::text("Here are some countries in Europe"));
for country in countries.iter() {
// Adding the itemize to the section
// Writing the section in the file
sec.write_latex(&mut f);