Quentin Guilloteau

Post-Doc in Computer Science

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OpenMP Logs

Logging library for OpenMP

Link to the repository: omp-logs


You can compile the lib by doing make

Then, you can use this lib from anywhere. The builds will look like:

gcc file.c -o file.o -L/path -lomp_logs

where path is the path to the directory where you built the lib.


1) Import the header file

#include "path/to/the/file/omp_logs.h"

2) Create a empty list of tasks

This list needs to be accessible by every call of the function log_task.

You can put the list as a global variable to be sure.

task_list* list = NULL;

or with

task_list* list = task_list_init();

3) Log some tasks !

The function to log a task is:

void log_task(task_list** l, char* label, int info, int parent_id, void (*f)(void* args), void* args)

I invite you to look at the examples mergesort.c and for_policies.c

4) See your logs !

When all the parallel stuff is done, you can get the logs in a svg file:

 tasks_to_svg(l, "filename.svg", x);

with x = 0 if you don’t want a svg file with script, x = 1 otherwise.

This will also free the list l.

Even if this is a svg file, you’ll have to open it with your browser.

Here is an example (For the full experience: click on the image, and then, right click -> “View Image”):


Every line represents a thread across time.

Every rectangle is a task.

You can move your mouse on it to see some info:


Have a x86 architecture…


This work is highly inspired from wagnerf42’s rayon-logs