I am currently a Post-Doc at the University of Basel, Switzerland, in the DMI-HPC group led by Florina Ciorba.
I am working on DAPHNE, an open and extensible system infrastructure for integrated data analysis pipelines combining data management and query processing, machine learning training and scoring, as well as high-performance computing and simulations.
Before December 2023 I was a PhD student at Université Grenoble Alpes under the supervision of Eric Rutten and Olivier Richard working on the topic of “Control-based runtime management of HPC systems with support for reproducible experiments”
You can find my CV here (updated October 2024).
Distributed Systems
Reproducible Research
Distributed Experimentation
Performance Evaluation
Autonomic Computing
Email: Firstname.Lastname@unibas.ch
Github: GuilloteauQ
LinkedIn: Quentin Guilloteau