Quentin Guilloteau

Post-Doc in Computer Science

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Who am I ?

I am currently a Post-Doc at INRIA, LIP, in Lyon - France, in the AVALON team led by Christian Perez.

I am working on the Concerto reconfiguration model in the context of the Taranis project of the PERP Cloud.

Before 2025, I was a Post-Doc at the University of Basel, Switzerland, in the DMI-HPC group led by Florina Ciorba. I was working on DAPHNE, an open and extensible system infrastructure for integrated data analysis pipelines combining data management and query processing, machine learning training and scoring, as well as high-performance computing and simulations.

Before December 2023 I was a PhD student at Université Grenoble Alpes under the supervision of Eric Rutten and Olivier Richard working on the topic of “Control-based runtime management of HPC systems with support for reproducible experiments”

You can find my CV here (updated October 2024).

Research Interests
